
Large tidal energy projects and increasing tidal energy investments

C-Power, established in Belgian is the largest developer of wind energy projects recently declared that, the company has closed the investments in hand grip Billet Aluminum energy for the offshore wind energy project on the Thornton Bank situated near the North Sea. Team of seven commercial energy investors will provide roughly EUR 869 M, for the installation of the secondary and tertiary phases of the offshore wind energy venture in the forthcoming years. The secondary and tertiary phases will include the induction of nearly 48 jacket foundations, six to 6.15 megawatt wind energy generator and high volt substation. The above wind energy venture collectively can produce 325 megawatt of power that can illuminate more than 590000 houses and this eliminates more than 450,000 tons of carbon per environment. The C-Power hand grips Skeleton head wind energy venture contributes ten percent of the total renewable energy capacity required for Belgium. The joint venture between the Mittal Energy Investment Private Limited and Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited will, embark on its trail functioning of the Bathinda oil refinery in 2011 and the refinery is expected to produce 9 million tons of oil. The officials of the company declared that, after the successful completion of the trail, the company will commence the commercial production. Around Rs 19000 crore has been invested in this venture and this will produce high quality petroleum products such as aviation fuel, pet coke, liquefied petroleum gas etc. Investments in energy is increasing tremendously in India and nearly Rs 1,100 crore is allocated for the establishment of the Polypropylene refinery in Punjab and this project will create job for thousands of people.The United Kingdoms initial commercial tidal farm will be installed in the waters of United Kingdom within a couple of years. The Carbon Trust Investments Limited, EDF Energy and High Tide, Bank Invest jointly will provide the energy investments around 3.5M and they will jointly enable the implementation phase of the tidal farm. The chief executive officer of the Carbon Trust Tom Delay asserted that, the Marine Current Turbines are playing a pivotal role in the development of marine energy sector in United Kingdom and Marine Current Turbines is the developer of the largest grid-connected system used for extraction of energy from the tidal currents. The United Syma S111G Kingdom is flourishing in the marine energy sector and the tidal project did by the Marine Current Turbines, has created plethora of jobs and gained laurels to the nation. Martin Wright, the managing director of the Marine Current Turbines declared that, the investments in energy provided by the government to boost the tidal energy project was very helpful and the encouragement provided has attracted many investors to furnish energy investments.

